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Why Most News is Bad

When you watch a TV news broadcast, listen to news on the radio or read a newspapers, they appear to be dominated by bad news. This is nothing recent and has been the case for a long as I can remember. I believe this gives us a worse view of the world than is the case formost of those living in developed countries.

I believe there are two main reasons why bad news dominantes

Bad news is generally more interesting

Good news is generally less interesting


Suppose there was a five year study that showed that 97.3% of benefit claimants were legitimate and most of these struggling to provide for their basic necessities of food, housing and heating. In the same week a reporter finds a large family claiming benefits in which nobody works, but they have a well furnished and equipped house and can afford some luxury goods as well. It will be the second story that is published because it provides something to be complain about.

Consider a large scale five year study shows that the survival rate from particular type of cancer have increased by 5%. A much smaller study in mice shows that a diet with excessive amounts of one food increases the risk brain tumours by 20%. Even though the the second report is about mice and the diet study is unrealistic the dramatic 20% increase will be the one that makes the news.

Have things really got worse?

Another thing to consider is if decades of bad news were a true reflection of reality, then our world today should be significantly worse. There are undoubtedly some unfortunate parts of the world where this is true, but for most of the developed world there are:


People are more interested in bad news, so that is what they get. Don't base your view of the world just on what makes the headlines, it makes the world seem worse than it is.

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