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Who won WWII?

There is little dispute that the Allies won WWII and that the most important of these were the Great Britain (and its empire), the United States and Russia. Public belief differs in each of these countries about which country made the greatest contribution to the final victory. Each has good reasons for their belief.

Great Britain

United States


The figures

One, admittedly crude, meausure of the contribution is the combat causualties sufferred in the war.

It should also be acknowledged that China was fighting Japan from 1931 to 1945 and sufferred 3,000,000 to 3,750,000 military dead. How many of these died fighting Japan is obscured by the civil war taking place during the same period.

Although many of the huge Russian losses in the early part of the war were due to poor training, leadership and equipment, by the end of the war they were better trained, better led and much better equipped.

Other factors

Other factors that contributed to the Allied victory include:


Ultimately WWII was won by the "poor bloody infantry". Even the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan could not have been acheieved without troops capturing island after to island to bring Japan in range of air attack. The massive destruction of German cities did not cause Germany to surrender. Only Russian troops fighting all the way to Berlin was able to bring an end to the war in Europe. So I believe, that at a massive cost in lives, it was Russia that made the greatest contribution to the Allied victory and that this should be more widely known in the West where most think it was Birtain or the US.

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