robot symbol

My first robot


Build a robot that:


Dagu Rover 5 tracked chassis

Dagu Rover 5

There are several versions of the Rover 5. They may have 2 or 4 motors. The motors may be supplied with or without quadrature encoders.




The specifications are:

The wiring is:

Quadrature Encoders

quadrature encoder

The encoder consist of:

The encoders specification is:

The wiring is:

MotoZero motor controller

MotoZero motor controller

The MotoZero motor controller is designed to match the form factor of the Raspberry Pi Zero and attaches directly onto the GPIO connector. Normally this would make all the unused pins on the GPIO inaccessible for other uses, but since it comes as a kit, you can put an extra tall or "stacking" header on it that will allow access to these pins.

The motor controller can drive 4 motors forwards or backwards using an external power source and controlled using 12 GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi Zero.

The specification is:

Tilt and pan camera mount with servos

Tilt and pan camera mount


The servo will move a motor to a specific position in reponse to a signal. The signal must be a square wave with a high value lasting between 1ms and 2ms sent with 20ms between the start of each pulse i.e. 50Hz. A 1ms pusle will move the motor to the bottom of its range. A 2ms pulse will move the motor to the top its range. Pulse lengths in between will move the motor to other values in the range.

TowerPro SG90 Servo specification:

The wiring is:

Raspberry Pi Zero

Raspberry Pi Camera

Raspberry Pi Camera

Raspberry Pi Zero


40 in header

Solder to Raspberry Pi Zero

40 pin extra tall header

Solder to MotoZero motor controller



USB wireless dongle

USB wireless dongle


There are several types of AA batteries:

Technology Voltage Rechargeable
Zinc-carbon 1.5V No
Alkaline 1.5V No
Nickel-Cadmium 1.2V Yes
Nickel-metal hydride 1.2V Yes

Rechargeable batteries are usually used for robot projects:

This is why some of the specifications above are for 7.2V (6 X 1.2V) or 4.8V (4 X 1.2V). We can also draw off a subset of 4 of the batteris to 4.8V which should be enough for the encoders on the motors and the servos on the pan and tilt mount.


Operating System

Download "Rasbian Jessie with Pixel" i.e. with graphical desktop from Rasberry Pi website

After downloading the .zip file, unzip it to get the image file (.img) for writing to your SD card.

On Windows 10 use Win32DiskImager to copy .img file to micro SD card

Configuring wireless ntwork

Append these lines to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf



Use sudo rasp-config to:

Fixing the IP address of the Raspbery Pi

By default the IP address of on the Raspberry Pi is dynamically allocatec by your network router. This is controlled by these lines in /etc/network/interfaces

iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface wlan0 inet dhcp

You can find the wireless gateway using this command e.g.

sudo route -nee

For the robot project I will only be using a wireless network connection. So I changed the wireless network line to this.

iface wlan0 inet static

where xxx is the fixed IP address on the wireless network

The GPIO pins

GPIO pinout

The cost of the Raspberry Pi Zero has been kept to a minimum - just £4!! One way this has been done is not to include the 2X20 header for the GPIO pins. If you need to use the GPIO pins, a I do for this project, you need buy the header for £1 and solder it on.

The ground, 3.3V and 5V pins are easily tested with a multimeter. Testing the GPIO that will be used to control the motors etc. will require turning them on from the Rasberry Pi. This can done like this:

echo $gpio >/sys/class/gpio/export
echo out >/sys/class/gpio/gpio$gpio/direction
while [ $count -gt 0 ];
  echo 1  >/sys/class/gpio/gpio$gpio/value
  sleep 1
  echo 0  >/sys/class/gpio/gpio$gpio/value
  sleep 1
echo $gpio >/sys/class/gpio/unexport

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