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tor introduction

internet symbol
The tor network (the onion router) is a network of server computers called "nodes" on the internet that allow secure and anonymous comminucations. This has proved resistent to attack from even the vast combined resources of the NSA and GCHQ. What follows is a simplified approximation of how tor work. For more detaled and accurate description please visit:

There are three types of tor nodes:

Several types of communications can be sent through the tor network e.g. browsing a website. When a tor user visits a website, the tor software creates a "circuit" composed of:

This means that:

For the return message:

The tor network ensures that:

Security can be increased further if the application using the tor network adds its own encryption e.g. if you were to use HTTPS to comminicate with the website. The message would then be encrypted 4 times before leaving the PC and would remain encrypted all the way to the website. The reply would also remain encrypted on the entire return path. Thus, none of the tor nodes can read the content of the message.


The design of the tor is sound, but there are some things that tor users can do that may compromise their anonymity:

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