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Traffic analysis

Traffic analyis applied to the internet allows governments to:

Traffic analysis requires a high degree of access to the internet infracture e.g. ISPs and major internet hubs. This is easily possible for the goverment for of a single country and, with the vast resources of the NSA and GCHQ, it is practical for a large proportion of the entire internet.

The tor network aims to thwart surveillance by traffic analysis by routing messages through multiple nodes in multiple countries. However, traffic analysis will still provide some information:

There is at least one scenario where traffic analysis could link a tor user to a destination. Suppose the following:

This activity creates a unique pattern of batches of requests and pauses that may be unique during this period. If you identify a single machine connected to the tor network at that time and with this pattern of requests, then you have identified the user's machine. The scenario can be avoided if the user has mutiple internet activities happening simultaneoulsy, with at least one sending out frequent requests e.g. dowloading a large file. This way request sent from the user's machine to the quiet website are interspersed with other requests and the unique pattern will not be found.

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